Due 10/22: First Draft Position Paper due for peer review.
HW Readings and Writing workshop: clarity and logic
–Improving Your Style
–Commonly Misused Terms and Phrases
–Equations, Figures, and Tables
Due 10/24: Final Draft Position Paper
Discuss reflection paper assignment: reflecting on position paper writing process and rhetorical modes.
What is research writing?
Introduction to research in science: The Research Proposal and Research Paper.
Writing the Scientific Paper?
North Dakota State University Center for Writers (Genres and Types of Documents): https://writing.colostate.edu/guides/pdfs/guide83.pdf
- Developing scientific arguments: Introduction/Methods/Results/Discussion
Proposals: https://courses.candelalearning.com/styleforstudents/chapter/proposals/
Introducing the Research Problem: Introduction Section Fall2018
- Finding a “niche” in science research to propose new research.
- Evaluating research studies [Group exercise]